Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Potty Potential

Brett has been doing this thing where the moment he gets wet, he takes his diaper off. It doesn't matter if it's just a tiny bit wet or super wet either. When we first had Kaylee, I would forget to change Brett's diaper. He would go a very long time with a saggy wet diaper. Then all of the sudden he starting doing this, and we were going through 12 diapers a day. AHH!! Too expensive for my blood. So I decided he needs to potty train.

He took to the potty very quickly, but hasn't taken to using it on his own cues yet. It's been three weeks now, I think. He will wear training underwear during the day, but I end up washing six pairs of underwear by the end of the day. He realizes that he's going, but not that he has to go. Anyway, it's very similar to Breanna's potty training. It took her about a year of off and on training to catch on. I wish Brett would just pick up no problem so I didn't have to keep buying diapers for two kids, but oh well. He really likes his froggy potty though. That helps.

Kaylee is finally taking naps. Hooray! I was starting to think she was going to be just like Breanna was and not take naps until who knows how old. Breanna was 7-9 months before she started to let me put her down for naps. So thank goodness Kaylee has been taking a solid afternoon nap for the past five days (minus Sunday, cause who keeps a kid on schedule on Sunday).

The kids had there check-up's this month.
Kaylee weighs 9lbs 11oz and is 21 in
Bretton weighs 24 lbs and is 32.5 in
Breanna weighs 30 lbs and is 38.5 in

I have small children.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just an excuse

I just wanted to post some cute pictures of the kids.