This is the beautiful cake I made for Brett's birthday. About a week before his birthday, Breanna asked him what kind of cake he was going to have, and he told her a train cake. I was shocked. I was planning on a plain round cake, but I did some research and found a way to make this.

Now that Brett is 3, he is very excited that he can go on the slides in the kids club at the gym. In fact, he wanted to go first thing the next morning just so he could play with the big kids.

Easter was very fun this year. We enjoyed that it landed on conference weekend. We had lots of opportunity to teach the kids about the meaning of Easter, and still have lots of fun with an egg hunt and egg decorating. They are getting old enough to be able to do these things. That's what is fun for me. I don't like decorating eggs necessarily, but I love that they love it.

It was also Kaylee's birthday Easter weekend. We had the family come over in between conference sessions Saturday for cupcakes. Kaylee was asleep the whole time. So John, the kids and I ate another cupcake when Kaylee woke up, and we sang her Happy Birthday. As you can see, she enjoyed her first taste of cake.

Our family has been sick for most of the year so far. I can't figure it out, but maybe we won't be sick for the rest of the year if we get it all out of the way now. We have only had about a week of wellness between each sickness, and each time it hits, it lasts anywhere from one to two weeks. Most of the time we are just sick with colds, but this time we are going through some kind of stomach thing. Brett is the only one so far that hasn't gotten it, but I'm sure that will change tonight. Why is it that kids always get sick in the middle of the night?
When we are healthy, we are very happy.