We made some more changes to the house (mainly new carpet), and within four days of being re-listed, we had an offer. It was such a great Christmas present. Unfortunately, the lady buying the house got too overwhelmed with what was found at the inspection, and she backed out. We don't know exactly what was said in that inspection, but we think that the inspector thought we had termites...which we did have three years ago. We had them treated and a protection plan in place, but failed to fix the damaged areas in the closets. SO, my dad was good enough to spend two days at my house patching my walls. They look good as new now. Good thing, too...we got another offer the day after the project was finished. This time, the contract stuck. Everything has been gone fairly smooth, and now we are just 12 days from closing!




During that chaos, we have also been dealing with an offer of our own on a house in Adel, Iowa. The time that John has had in Iowa by himself has allowed (or forced, depending on how you look at it) him to really get to know the area and choose the best place for us to live. I had also researched Adel before he even discovered it. I was up there three weekends ago house hunting with him. We already had an idea of what house we wanted, but we needed to see it together and really get a feel for things together. We went under contract that weekend, and although we have had a lot of stress getting our information all together for the new mortgage, everything has run pretty smoothly with that as well. We are only 12 days from closing on that home as well!

Adel house
Luckily, John's company has really been kind to us and will be paying for full service movers. I theoretically don't have to lift a finger. I will be going through the house over the next week to clean things out, organize, and pack up the things we will be taking with us in the car. We will have to live in a hotel for a few days...the moving truck may not show up for anywhere from 2-5 days after we get there. I'm going to try to take as many things as I can to try to live in the house, even without all our stuff, but we'll see.
The kids are really excited. I know Breanna says she is excited, but I think she either isn't saying she's a little sad, or she doesn't quite understand the dramatic change this will bring. She says she understands that she will be changing schools and getting new friends, but she still talks about playing with her best friend, Wyatt. I am hoping to make this as fun and smooth a transition as possible for all the kids.
Now, we are just spending as much time with my family as possible, and we are looking forward to not having to be separated from John anymore. Eight months is long enough.