Friday, July 30, 2010

No Pictures Please!

The past two weeks have been a little hard on me. I had a large fibroid removed three Thursdays ago. It was kind of like having a C-section.

Luckily, my mom was ready to jump in and help. She took the kids all day that Thursday, and kept them until Friday night. John was home over the weekend to take care of them, but then she took them again for me every day that next week. I really needed that peace and quiet for the first half of the week. I was stuck laying on my left side, because, for some reason, if I tried to turn over to my back, or even sit up for too long, my right lung felt like it was being crushed.

By Wednesday, I was feeling so so much better. I even went to my mom's house with the kids so I could be around people. Friday, I almost felt like a normal person. Saturday was a bit of a relapse though. I was really sore and tired. I decided to stay home from church Sunday to have one more day of relaxation and recovery before I had to jump back into life Monday. Then my ten days of driving restriction were up, and I had to take care of things myself.

I have been able to slowly get back to all my normal chores, and now I can even pick up Brett just fine--no pain. In the evenings, I feel a little bruised, but for the most part I feel like myself again.

For anyone who cares, the fibroid was measured to be 10 cm and a little over 1/2 a lb. I know I will be feeling better now that that is gone. Sayonara sucker!