She got a toy trumpet that she loves to play all the time. We had to put it in the music closet last night so she wouldn't start playing it as soon as she woke up in the morning.
This is the kids bathroom after it was all textured, painted, and put back together.
The bathroom before the wallpaper came down.
The living room that is now a dining room.
Wow your like your mom, weeks and weeks with out a word from you and then everything all at once!:-)Looks like you are making great progress on your house. And how fun that your kids have cousins. My poor little Issy and the next one don't really have many cousins to be with. You guys are all lucky to live close together.
Your kids are so cute...they must get it from John's side of the family. ;) j/k I also love it that you're already training your budding trumpeteer :)
hey, i tried to email your comcast account but it came back. write me! :)
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