John had some business to take care of in Austin yesterday, so we decided to make it a fun family trip. Austin is only three hours from here, so we packed up the kids with an overnight bag and snacks, and headed out Monday morning.
The kids were so excited to take a trip in the car, they were up at 5:30 A.M. That didn't make me too happy, but kids will be kids. Brett kept telling us he was ready to leave, and he had his backpack on ready to go before I had even taken a shower. A little later, I found him on the floor in Breanna's room crying. He was just so excited to go he was going crazy. I was glad at that point that I hadn't fed them breakfast yet, because I was sure he would have lost it by then. John and I laughed and laughed at all the excitement.
We got into Austin at about noon. We decided to first see the state Capital. It is a very beautiful building.

Kids watching a movie on the way there.

Texas State Capital

Taken from several floors up, looking down

Top of the dome

The kids were tired and hungry at this point

Found on the State Capital Grounds

Lunch time!!!

After we ate lunch, we headed over to our hotel. We stayed at an Embassy Suites. I highly recommend them to anyone. It was great. We swam (but forgot the camera in the car), and got cleaned up and hung out in our room for a while.
The kids were tired from the day, but we ate dinner and then drove around Austin to see Uncle Scott's house, and to see all the different areas around Austin. It is really quite beautiful.
That night, everyone seemed to sleep well, except Kaylee and me. Kaylee didn't want to sleep for more than half an hour at a time. Then, Brett decided to wake up at 4:30. I tried to put him back into bed, but he would have nothing of it. So then, that of course woke of Breanna. The kids were awake by 5:30...again. John took them down to breakfast at 6 while I tried to get Kaylee to go back to sleep. I was unsuccessful.
A couple hours later, John and Breanna went swimming again, while I was cleaning up Brett, who had the runs. NOT fun. Then, after we all got cleaned up and ready for the day, John went to do his business while I took the kids to eat lunch and hang out at some stores for three hours. When I got to McDonalds, I turned around to get the kids out and they were all sound asleep. I didn't know what to do, so we just sat in the car, while it was running, in the parking lot and I let them sleep. I rested too, but I also got to talk to my brother for a while to catch up.
Twenty minutes later, the kids woke up and we did our thing.
When John was done, we decided it was time to head home. About an hour and a half out, Brett threw up. Ah yes, the fun of car trips and too much junk food. He got it all over himself, his blanket, and the car seat. We had to pull over, strip him down, wipe down the car seat buckles, grab grocery sacks to put his clothes, car seat cover, and blanket in, put a new shirt on him, and put him back in the car. About five minutes later down the road, he did it again. So we pulled over and did it all over again. Then again about half an our later. Then again a half hour after that, and finally we made it home. The poor kid was sick two more times, but he got it all out of his system, got a quick bath, and then got a really good night sleep. Thank goodness that's over.
This morning we are doing lots of laundry.
Overall, it was very fun to get out with our family and do something fun and different.

Have a hoppin' great day!