Welcome another school year!!! I was so ready for this day. The kids have been back in school for a week and a half now, but I'm still excited they are gone for most of the day. I love them very much, but I couldn't take all the fighting anymore. Brett and Breanna are good friends, but they can't agree on anything. Kaylee and Lincoln get along pretty well. I am enjoying having just the younger two at home.

The two goof balls before leaving for the first day of school

Brett was very excited to be a Kindergartner this year, but he was nervous too. He kept telling me he didn't want me to walk him to his teacher that first morning. He just wanted to tag along with Breanna. Unfortunately for him, there was no way to just drive by and drop them off that morning. The playground had more parents on it than kids. He would have gotten lost in that sea of adults. So, we parked down the street and walked together to the school. He was happy to see some friends, and then it was time to stand in line with his class. We had to stand around and wait for a few extra minutes past the bell for all the Kindergartners to arrive. But once they all got there, the teachers told them to turn around and wave good-bye to their parents. Then they filed into the school for their first day of school. It was too cute. I wasn't worried about Brett at all. I knew he would love being a big kid along with his sister.

Waiting for all the students to show up
They were told they would have a fire drill the second day of school. They even talked about what they would do and practiced a little. The next morning, I could not get Brett to get dressed or eat breakfast--he was very worried about the fire drill. He looked nervous all morning. When I picked him up from school, I asked about the drill and how it went for him. He smiled big and smugly told me "there wasn't even actual fire!" All that time he was worried they would set the school on fire to practice. What a silly boy.
On to another subject:
John and I (but mostly John) have been working on getting all the wood trim on the house repaired, sanded, and painted. This is something that has to be done, according to our purchase agreement. The only problem is that the sellers told us they would take care of everything, and then last minute decided they didn't want to. The deadline was coming up and we found out that they refused to do anything but give us a set amount of money to do the work ourselves. We were not happy about that. But it was something the bank required, so we have been working all this hot summer to get it done. (With some time off here and there.) We are finally almost done. Only a few more days 'til the deadline and it's going to be some crazy work, but it's almost done. We are also going to change the color of our house. I'll have to post those pictures if that ever gets done.
Other than that, we are planning a trip down to Texas at the end of September while John is in China. Always keeping busy here.
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