Tuesday, March 31, 2009

One week and counting

I must say, I am truly jealous of one of my friends who is planning to have her baby in just a couple days. I really thought I would have had this one by now, but things aren't going as I planned. I have had absolutely no progress and only one week left until my due date. The doctor is a little concerned that I won't be able to start labor on my own, due to the "massive fibroid", as she puts it. It is right in the way of where the baby's head should be in order to get things moving. But she is also sure that I have always had this fibroid, which didn't cause any problems with Brett at all. Now, no one knows what the deal was with Breanna. I still think she was just showing her stubbornness from the beginning to be over a week late. So now I just have my fingers crossed that labor with start on it's own sometime in the next week so I don't have to be induced.

If I do have to be induced, I have to decide when. I can have it done next week, but my parents are going out of town starting Wednesday through the weekend. So I could wait one more week to see if she comes on her own, and then proceed to induction if necessary. What to do, what to do.

I think Brett is starting to realize something is about to change. I don't think he can fully understand what is about to happen, but he is having fun helping me put Kaylee's room together, and he knows there are things he is not allowed to touch, such as the baby toys, bassinet, and pacifiers. He knows that we point to my belly and say Kaylee is in there, but he can't understand what that really means. It will be very interesting to see how he reacts to a new baby. (Breanna, on the other hand, is very excited.)

So now I just sit back and wait to "pop", as Elise so graciously put it.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Good luck and hopefully she will come on her own very soon!