Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Vacation...and then some

Who knows if anyone actually even looks at my blog anymore. I just can't seem to find enough to say more than once every three or so months. But for those of you who do check it out every once in a while, here are some pictures.

Breanna and her friends Sarah, Shelby, Lauren, and Natalie, graduated from Joyshcool this past Saturday.

For anyone that doesn't know what Joyschool is, it is a program developed for preschoolers to teach them the joys of life, about manners, how to verbally communicate well with others, help them be creative, and help them see their self-worth. We, the mothers, took turns teaching.
As much fun as it was to have Breanna a part of the program, I am glad it is over.

We decided to take a short trip to East Texas over the Memorial Day weekend. We visited historical cities, saw an airplane show, went to a lake for a picnic, and did lots and lots of swimming. (We swam 5 times over three days).

The General Store in downtown Jefferson, TX

We bought ice-cream at the general store. It was very messy.

Historical Jefferson, TX

Caddo Lake

Here we visited the rose gardens in Tyler, TX. I think the season for the roses had just passed, but there were some beautiful plants and scenery.

The annual airplane show in Jefferson

And on a different note:

These pictures I just thought were cute. The first is Kaylee, and I took that about a month ago (age 13 months). The one below is Breanna, taken about 4 yrs. and 1 month ago (age 18 months).


engineergirl said...

Please don't stop posting, however sporadic! I love seeing the pictures and catching up. Google reader let's me know when you've posted and I can swing by. We miss seeing you guys at Sunday dinner, man, the kids are getting big!

Keep up the good/random work. Sometimes that's all I can do, random...

gma vh said...

You know, yesterday I tried to check your blog, but wasn't successful. Am so glad I saw it today & the pictures.

Listen, whatever you share is terrific! Those are pictures that I should find a close match in my scrapbook from all the crazy vacation spots we've been at when the kids were all home (ask your husband)! Love & kisses-